During the last three decades, automation in software development has gone mainstream. Software development teams strive to automate as much of the software development activities as possible. Automation helps, in fact, to reduce development time and cost, as well as to concentrate knowledge by bringing quality into every step of the development process.
Realizing high-quality software systems requires producing software that is efficient, error-free, cost-effective, and that satisfies customer requirements. Thus, one of the most crucial factors impacting software quality concerns not only the automation of the development process but also the ability to verify the outcomes of each process activity and the goodness of the resulting software product as well.
Realizing high-quality software systems requires producing software that is efficient, error-free, cost-effective, and that satisfies evolving requirements. Thus, one the most crucial factors impacting software quality concerns not only the automation of the development process but also the ability to verify the outcomes of each process activity and the goodness of the resulting software product as well.
This becomes particularly true these days when we are, and will be, increasingly surrounded by a virtually infinite number of software artifacts - often underspecified - that can be composed to build new applications. This situation radically changes the way software will produced and used:
ASYDE 2021 provides a forum for researchers and practitioners to propose and discuss on automated software development methods and techniques, compositional verification theories, integration architectures, flexible and dynamic composition, and automated planning mechanisms.
1st October, 2021 15th October, 2021
8th October, 2021 22nd October, 2021
26th November, 2021
ASYDE 2021 welcomes research papers (both long and short), (industrial) experience papers and case-studies, tool demonstrations and visionary papers; nevertheless, papers describing novel research contributions and innovative applications are of particular interest.
Contribution can be:
Regular papers (from 10 to 15 pages): in this category fall contributions that propose novel research work, address challenging problems with innovative ideas, or offer practical contributions (e.g., industrial experiences and case-studies) in the application of Formal Methods and Software Engineering approaches for building software systems via automated development and verification. Regular papers should clearly describe the situation or problem tackled, the relevant state of the art, the position or solution suggested and the potential benefits of the contribution. Authors of papers reporting industrial experiences are strongly encouraged to make their experimental results available for use by reviewers. Similarly, case-study papers should describe significant case-studies and the complete development should be made available for use by reviewers.
Short papers (from 6 to 8 pages): this category includes tool demonstrations, position papers, well-pondered and sufficiently documented visionary papers. Tool demonstration papers should explain enhancements made in comparison to previously published work. Authors of demonstration papers should make their tool available for use by reviewers.
All papers must:
Submissions are required to report on original, unpublished work and should not be submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere (IFIP's Author Code of Conduct). Accepted papers will be included in the Springer LNCS post-proceedings of SEFM. Condition for inclusion in the post-proceedings is that at least one of the co-authors has presented the paper at the Symposium.
Each submitted paper will undergo a formal peer review process by at least 3 Program Committee members.
Paper submission is done via EasyChair.
Accepted papers will be included in the Symposium programme and will appear in the symposium pre-proceedings. Pre-proceedings will be available online before the Symposium. Condition for inclusion in the pre-proceedings is that at least one of the co-authors has registered for the Symposium. Revised versions of accepted papers will be published after the Symposium in a LNCS volume published by Springer. Condition for inclusion in the post-proceedings is that at least one of the co-authors has presented the paper at the Symposium.
Registration is now open. Participation is free, but registration is required in order to receive the Zoom link for the conference. To register follow the instructions on the SEFM website.
Software certification: Lessons Learned from the Development of a Mechanical Ventilator for COVID-19
During the COVID-19 pandemic, around the middle of March 2020, a group of physicists, engineers, and physicians offered their time and competencies to develop a simplified mechanical lung ventilator, called MVM (Mechanical Ventilator Milano), to answer the high request of ventilators for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) in intensive care units. A prototype was ready in around one month. Since medical software malfunctions can lead to injuries or death of patients, before marketing MVM ventilators and distributing them in hospitals, software certification in accordance with the IEC 62304 standard was mandatory to guarantee system reliability. The team was then complemented by computer scientists specifically devoted to this task. The software re-engineering process, which lasted around two months from the end of the prototype, brought to a strong re-implementation of the device software components, which involved all the stakeholders in a continuous integration setting. In this talk, I will report the experience of the MVM control SW re-engineering necessary to show evidence that the SW adheres to the standards and to consequently obtain the certification. I will share results and lessons learned from this social project, where more than 100 volunteer researchers worked towards software certification at the extreme of their strength to get a real device finished in a rush since strongly required to support physicians in treating COVID-19 patients.
Further information: MVM (Mechanical Ventilator Milano)
Paper describing the overall ventilator: Abba A, et al. The novel Mechanical Ventilator Milano for the COVID-19 pandemic. Phys Fluids (2021).Mar;33(3):037122. doi: 10.1063/5.0044445. Epub 2021 Mar 23. PMID: 33897243; PMCID: PMC8060010.
Paper describing the software certification: Silvia Bonfanti, Andrea Bombarda, Angelo Gargantini, Elvinia Riccobene, Patrizio Pelliccione, Cristiano Galbiati, Masayuki Wada (2021) Lessons Learned from the Development of a Mechanical Ventilator for COVID-19 In: The 32nd International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2021).
ASYDE 2021 will be a virtual event.